Kansas Change Agents

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Become a Kansas Change Agent Advocate Today! 

Join Forces by Advocating Alongside the Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities (KCDD) for Kansans with IDD  

About KCDD 

KCDD is a statewide organization dedicated to empowering individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), family members and caregivers and their families to lead systems change, build capacity, and advocate for inclusive, integrated, accessible communities where everyone belongs and thrives. KCDD actively advocates for the IDD community in Topeka and in Washington, DC. 

Through KCDD’s comprehensive five-year plan, we are working to expand our network to create new IDD leaders and advocates from across Kansas to help shape the future of supports, services and funding for the IDD community across the Sunflower State. 

Let’s Make Change for the IDD Community TODAY! 

In 2024, KCDD launched a new program called the KCDD Change Agent Program (KCDD-CAP). The primary purpose of this new program is to equip and empower self-advocates, family members and caregivers with the tools needed to effectively utilize their lived experiences to improve the lives of all Kansans with IDD. KCDD-CAP leaders will work alongside the KCDD team to lead systems change, build capacity, and advocate for inclusive, integrated, accessible communities where everyone belongs and thrives. 

Participants in the KCDD-CAP serve as volunteer advocates committed to taking part in the democratic process and serving as liaisons between KCDD and their Kansas state senators and representatives. The overarching goal of KCDD-CAP is to build long-lasting relationships with decision-makers in their communities to make positive change for our IDD community in Kansas. 


  • Strengthen and organize our KCDD statewide grassroots advocacy network to make our voices heard in Topeka 

  • Partner with key policy makers and state officials to advance policies and procedures that improve the lives of Kansans with IDDD

  • Engage advocates to positively promote the mission and vision of the KCDD


  • Complete KCDD’s Advocacy 101 training curriculum (in person or virtual) 

  • Commit to 2-4 hours per month of KCDD advocacy work for a 12 month period

  • Help recruit new KCDD-CAP participants (i.e., self-advocates and families) from across the state

  • Provide in-person or written testimony at Kansas Capitol helping to support KCDD’s key legislative priorities and agenda items

  • Meet with your State Senator and State Representative, as needed