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SPEAK CONFERENCE October 4, 2024
People at press conference
Could you be our next Council Member?
Governmental building
Sad little girl sitting down
SPEAK COnference
Bipartisan ABLE Savings Campaign
2024 Kansas State Legislature

Both the House and Senate ​will come to order at 2 PM on Monday, January 08, 2024. Disability advocates are urged to get involved!

Opens January 08, 2024

Stop the Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation

If you suspect a child, a person with a disability or anyone is being abused, neglected or exploited, call the Kansas Protection Report Center at 1.800.922.5330, or, from outside Kansas, call 1.785.296.0044.

If someone is in immediate danger or needs medical assistance, call 911!

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Welcome to the Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities (KCDD)

Action Alerts

KCDD’s action alerts keeps self-advocates, parents, guardians and allies informed on state and national legislative and budgetary issues. Sign up to subscribe.

Stay informed 

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Health Equity and Outcomes Coalition

Through a series of workgroups, this coalition is developing an action-oriented blueprint aimed at ensuring our healthcare systems and partners in Kansas realize health equity for our I/DD population across Kansas.

About the program 

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Charting a LifeCourse

The Charting the LifeCourse Framework helps people and families of all abilities and all ages develop a vision for a good life, think about what they need to know and...

About the framework 

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Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation

KCDD is focusing on the prevention of abuse and assuring quality care for people with disabilities in healthcare, schools, group homes and day care settings.

About quality care 

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The Kansas Employment First Oversight Commission was created by the same state law that requires competitive and integrated employment to be the first option when serving people with disabilities (KSA 44-1136 to 44-1138, also called the Employment First Initiative Act).

As part of the law, the Kansas Legislature established a seven-member oversight commission to make recommendations to ensure the effective and proper implementation of this act. All state agencies are required to “fully cooperate with and provide data and information to assist the Commission in carrying out its duties.”


Latest Employment First Oversight Commission Recommendations

This is the Commission’s annual report, making recommendations to the Governor, Legislature, and state agencies on strategies to increase the number of Kansans with disabilities in competitive and integrated employment.

Kansas Employment First Oversight Commission 2023 Recommendations to the Governor and Members of the 2024 Kansas Legislature [PDF]


The Members of the Employment First Oversight Commission are:

  • Rocky Nichols, Chair - Topeka (appointed by Senate Minority Leader) 11/18/2022 through 11/17/2025
  • Nikki Heiman (appointed by the Governor) 7/1/2019 through 6/30/2023
  • Sara Hart Weir - Overland Park (appointed by Senate President) 2/14/2023 through 2/13/2026
  • Shelia Nelson-Stout - Salina (appointed by House Minority Leader) 1/25/2023 through 1/24/2026
  • Bradley Linnenkamp - Topeka (appointed by Governor) 7/1/2022 through 6/30/2026
  • Joe Scarlett (appointed by Governor) 7/1/2022 through 6/30/2025 
  • Steve Gieber - Topeka (appointed by Speaker of the House) 1/31/2023 through 1/30/2026


View meeting agendas, minutes, and past recommendations and reports at the KDADS website.


Sign up for KCDD email updates to hear the latest developments from the Employment First Oversight Commission

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The Kansas Legislature consists of a 125-member House of Representatives and a 40-member Senate. The legislature convenes on the second Monday in January for an annual session and generally adjourns in early May.

The Kansas Legislature website (www.kslegislature.org) allows anyone to track a bill, find their state representative and senator and keep up with the calendar, deadline, and activities of the legislature.

As an active member of the intellectual and developmental disabilities community, you are encouraged to keep up with legislative issues on both the state and federal levels. As a self-advocate, parent, guardian or sibling, the Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities (KCDD) offers those active in advocacy and public policy the opportunity to subscribe to KCDD’s e-newsletters, calendar reminders, and public policy alerts.


Find your legislators at https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/

Charting the

Develop a vision for a good life.
Think about what you need to know and do.
Identify how to find or develop supports.
Discover what it takes to live the life you want to live.


View Resources

Five Year State Plan

· Creating Leaders & Empowering Advocacy
· Leading Systems Change


Read State Plan

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