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SPEAK CONFERENCE October 4, 2024
People at press conference
Could you be our next Council Member?
Governmental building
Sad little girl sitting down
SPEAK COnference
Bipartisan ABLE Savings Campaign
2024 Kansas State Legislature

Both the House and Senate ​will come to order at 2 PM on Monday, January 08, 2024. Disability advocates are urged to get involved!

Opens January 08, 2024

Stop the Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation

If you suspect a child, a person with a disability or anyone is being abused, neglected or exploited, call the Kansas Protection Report Center at 1.800.922.5330, or, from outside Kansas, call 1.785.296.0044.

If someone is in immediate danger or needs medical assistance, call 911!

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Welcome to the Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities (KCDD)

Action Alerts

KCDD’s action alerts keeps self-advocates, parents, guardians and allies informed on state and national legislative and budgetary issues. Sign up to subscribe.

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Health Equity and Outcomes Coalition

Through a series of workgroups, this coalition is developing an action-oriented blueprint aimed at ensuring our healthcare systems and partners in Kansas realize health equity for our I/DD population across Kansas.

About the program 

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Charting a LifeCourse

The Charting the LifeCourse Framework helps people and families of all abilities and all ages develop a vision for a good life, think about what they need to know and...

About the framework 

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Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation

KCDD is focusing on the prevention of abuse and assuring quality care for people with disabilities in healthcare, schools, group homes and day care settings.

About quality care 

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The Kansas Developmental Disabilities Council (KCDD) recognizes October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), an annual awareness campaign that educates the general public about disability employment issues and celebrates the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities.

As an Employment First state, Kansas believes community employment should be the first option for all working age adults and transition-age youth with developmental disabilities. KCDD serves on the Kansas Employment First Oversight Commission to ensure that Kansas is moving disability employment forward.  

“I have witnessed many times when a person with a disability becomes employed everyone benefits.  I have seen increases in productivity, happier customers and coworkers," said Steve Gieber, Executive Director, Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities. “It leads to stronger communities when everyone belongs.”

To support employment first, KCDD funds projects across the state that work to arm Kansans with I/DD, their families, employers, providers and employment support staff with meaningful information about their options for competitive integrated employment as well as support the availability of resources and expansion of best practices for formal and informal long-term supports for competitive integrated employment. These initiatives are a part of KCDD’s Five-Year Plan.

"Americans of all abilities must have access to good, safe jobs," said US Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta. "Smart employers know that including different perspectives in problem-solving situations leads to better solutions. Hiring employees with diverse abilities strengthens their business, increases competition and drives innovation."

The history of NDEAM traces back to 1945, when Congress enacted a law declaring the first week in October each year "National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week." In 1962, the word "physically" was removed to acknowledge the employment needs and contributions of individuals with all types of disabilities. In 1988, Congress expanded the week to a month and changed the name to National Disability Employment Awareness Month.

Follow us on our Facebook page throughout the month of October to learn more about the state of disability employment in Kansas, hear about resources and supports for Kansas with disabilities who are looking for work and vocational training, and see real life examples of people with disabilities working in the community.

We encourage you to share your employment success stories for National Disability Employment Awareness Month by posting them to your Facebook wall. Use the hashtag #NDEAM and feel free to tag us in your post!

To learn about the Kansas Employment First Oversight Commission 2018 Recommendations, visit kcdd.org/public-policy/employment-first-oversight-commission.

Employers and employees in all industries can learn more about how to participate in NDEAM and ways they can promote its messages — during October and throughout the year — by visiting www.dol.gov/ndeam.

Charting the

Develop a vision for a good life.
Think about what you need to know and do.
Identify how to find or develop supports.
Discover what it takes to live the life you want to live.


View Resources

Five Year State Plan

· Creating Leaders & Empowering Advocacy
· Leading Systems Change


Read State Plan

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