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The Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities (KCDD) launched the Access to Technology Project in fall of 2020 to help decrease the social isolation Kansans with intellectual and developmental disabilities were experiencing due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Access to Technology Sessions Archive

KCDD has hosted several sessions to help the individuals participating in the project get comfortable with their devices and use them more in their daily lives. You can view the archived sessions below or on our Youtube Channel.




Access to Technology Project Summary

KCDD provided a limited number of smartphones including 6 months of prepaid service* to qualifying individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to improve skills and help address social isolation, as a result of Covid-19.

To be eligible, individuals must have been receiving Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Waiver services, on the waiting list to receive I/DD HCBS Waiver services, and lacking access to this type of technology. Lack of access to technology was verified by the Targeted Case Manager (TCM), Care Coordinator, or Community Developmental Disability Organization (CDDO). Individuals were also required to be at least 18 years old and live in Kansas.

Selected recipients of the smartphones were expected to participate in virtual, online activities and agree to cooperate with project evaluation feedback about the use of the phones. Recipient expectations included:

  • Attend a minimum of 1 event online each month during a 6-month period. Approved activities include, but are not limited to: KCDD and/or Self-Advocate Coalition of Kansas (SACK) virtual events (such as KCDD Coffee House or the SACK Conference), Employment First Conference, Kansas Leadership Center leadership classes, telemedicine appointments, telehealth visits, televideo, national and state conferences and events, Person Centered Support Plans, BASIS/MFEI meetings, online community events, etc.
  • Report monthly about the online events or activities attended.
  • Participate in online evaluations and/or focus groups.
  • Return the phone if requested for failure to participate in attending virtual events.
  • The phone may not be used for any illegal activity.
  • Call or email KCDD or contracted staff for technical help if needed.
  • If the phone is lost or stolen report it immediately by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling 785-296-2608.


For questions, please call: 785-296-2608 or toll free at 1-877-431-4604

* Recipients of a smartphone who cooperate with these requirements will be eligible for an additional 6 months of prepaid service, based on available funding.

Charting the

Develop a vision for a good life.
Think about what you need to know and do.
Identify how to find or develop supports.
Discover what it takes to live the life you want to live.


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· Leading Systems Change


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