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Daily Life and Employment

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Daily Life and Employment

Kansas Roadmap to Employment
The Council provided the funding to study employment barriers in Kansas for people with disabilities. KCDD partnered with nationally recognized experts in disability employment, Griffin-Hammis and Associates to analyze these barriers and provide recommendations that would lead to better employment outcomes. Once the study was completed KCDD worked with state agencies and providers to implement the changes that are needed to remove these barriers. KCDD is currently working with state agencies to help write areas that address employment in the new KanCare 2.0. Download the roadmap.

Kansas Employment Resource Guide
Learn about moving employment forward in Kansas as well as supports and services available to Kansas with disabilities, and dig deeper into the Charting the LifeCourse framework with key resources, materials, and videos from the 2018 Kansas Employment First Summit held in Topeka Kansas, May 30-31, 2018. Access the OneNote guide at https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnRtPaRVZIXG1l7VtpOxEXuO4iNG

Charting the LifeCourse Framework
Changing the LifeCourse framework helps individuals & families of all abilities/ages create a vision for a good life and develop supports needed to live that good life. A good, individualized framework will guide people with disabilities in community living, education, employment, and life’s transitions. It encourages people of all abilities to look ahead and move toward an inclusive, productive life. To learn more, visit http://www.lifecoursetools.com

Daily Life & Employment Guide helps transition school-age youth and families figure out what daily life is going to look like after high school ends. It includes activities and resources to begin thinking about jobs, careers, or continuing education in adult life. Download available at http://www.lifecoursetools.com/learning-materials/

Focus on Transition is a short guide for youth and their parents who have reached transition age and helps them to begin thinking about things that will be important in the transition from school to adult life. This might be helpful in transitioning from school to work, high school to college or moving to community-based housing and includes questions to ask and options to consider and discuss with transitioning youth as they move toward a vision for a good life as an adult. Download available at http://www.lifecoursetools.com/learning-materials/

Transitions is an app is for students with disabilities with an IEP, ages 14 and older the help produce a “draft transition plan” as part of the IEP process. An individualized “Transition Plan” can serve as a valuable roadmap in transitioning to adult life after high school. Go to http://www.itransitionks.org/

Special Education Services, Kansas Department of Education, provides leadership and support for Kansas schools and local communities. It provides policy guidance on special education and related services for children with disabilities and is home to the Advisory Council which is made up of Kansas stakeholders, the majority being individuals with disabilities or parents. For more information, go to ksde.org/Agency/Division-of-Learning-Services/Early-Childhood-Special-Education-and-Title-Services/Special-Education

Kansas Career Navigator is an intuitive dashboard to aid in the selection of education and training programs, access workforce training providers, analyze performance information and labor market information. By navigating this site, a user has real-time access to high demand, high wage occupation opportunities by county or local area selection. Got to http://kscareernav.gov

Careeronestop allows job seekers to explore careers, training opportunities and jobs and has a section dedicated to workers with disabilities. Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, it offers information and resources for people who have recently become disabled and those with long-term conditions. Whether your disability is visible or not, the information and resources will help move your job search and career forward. Visit https://www.careeronestop.org/

KANSASWORKS offers free workshops and other services to those who have lost a job, want to change careers, or are new to the job search. It has a special section dedicated to people with disabilities and organizations that employ them. Go to https://www.kansasworks.com/ada/r/ for more information.

Working Healthy and Work offers people with disabilities who are working or interested in working the opportunity to get or keep Medicaid coverage while on the job. Working Healthy is a Medicaid program, go to http://www.kdheks.gov/hcf/workinghealthy/ for more information.

Community Living

Kansas Rides, our Statewide Transportation Resource, wants to make public transportation more accessible and more useful to Kansas’ residents. While doing that, we also hope to foster the goals of promoting independence, building connectoins, and preserving Kansas living. Visit their website at https://ksrides.org/

National Gateway to Self Determination offers published research, white papers, practical guides and resources to help people with disabilities and their families make decisions based on their own preferences and interests. Go to http://ngsd.org/

Families Together, Inc. assists parents/families and their children with disabilities and/or special healthcare needs from birth through age 26. The staff provides individualized assistance for families and transition age youth by phone and in person to help everyone better understand and access educational services, programs, health plans and other resources at no cost to families. For more information, visit https://familiestogetherinc.org

Assistive Technology for Kansans helps people with disabilities and health conditions of all ages access assistive technology they need to fully and independently participate in community life. Staff will assist you with selecting a device, borrowing a device and helping locate funding for a new or used device. Offices are located in Oakley, Wichita, Salina, Topeka and Parsons and there is an equipment reuse site in Garden City. Contact your regional AT Access Site by calling 800-KAN DO IT (800-526-3648) or by calling or emailing the main office at 620-421-8367 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For more information, visit https://atk.ku.edu/

Safety and Security

Charting the LifeCourse Tool for Exploring Decision-Making Supports
This tool was designed to assist individuals and supporters with exploring decision making support needs for each life domain. Download the Tool (PDF)

Commission on Disability Concerns
The Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns (KCDC) offers important resources for people with disabilities on its website such as Disability Service Maps, ADA Information, Legislative Information and local (city, county and state) ADA coordinators across the state.

Valuable information to help you is listed under both Life Resources and Resources section of the website.  Visit https://kcdcinfo.ks.gov/home

ABLE Savings Accounts allow Kansans with disabilities to set aside up to $14,000 a year tax-free without affecting their eligibility for Supplemental Security Income, Medicaid or other government programs. You have the choice of six different tax-advantaged investment options including a new product similar to a checking account – all FDIC Insured. These accounts are offered through the ABLE banking partner, Fifth Third Bank and allow you to save towards college or a house and one’s own independence. To learn more, go to the Frequently Asked Questions section of the State Treasurer’s website at: https://kansasstatetreasurer.com/able_savings.html

National Resource Center for Supported Decision Making is a way people can make their own decisions and stay in charge of their lives and advocates for changes in law, policy and practice to increase self-determination as a valid, less-restrictive alternative to guardianship. For more information, go to http://www.supporteddecisionmaking.org/

Protecting or Gaining Independence and Decision-Making Rights for a person with a disability is of great importance. This requires a rigorous process to evaluate whether a guardianship is needed, and how to limit its reach. The ACLU recognizes guardianship is not the only option and helps people with disabilities keep their rights and their decision-making capacity. For more information, go to https://www.aclu.org/issues/disability-rights/integration-and-autonomy-people-disabilities/supported-decision-making

Healthy Living

Kansas Disability and Health Program helps improve the health of individuals with disabilities by increasing access to programs and removing barriers to services designed to promote healthy living. The program improves access to and knowledge of physical activity, oral health and nutrition.: For more information, go to http://ihdps.ku.edu/dandhkansas

Kansas Special Health Care Needs (SHCN) Program promotes the functional skills of persons at risk for or has a disability or chronic disease. The program plans, develops and promotes the parameters of quality specialty health care in Kansas and specialized medical services to infants, children, and youth up to age 21 who have eligible medical conditions and those with metabolic or genetic conditions. Services include diagnostic evaluations, treatment services or care coordination. For more information, visit http://www.kdheks.gov/shcn/

Kansas Coordinating Council on Early Childhood Developmental Services
The council is responsible for advising and assisting the Kansas governor and legislature on matters that impact Kansas families with children, ages birth to five, who have, or are at risk for, developmental delays. They offer information and resources for children from birth to three and from three to five years old. For more information, visit http://www.kansasicc.org.

Charting the LifeCourse: Focus on Aging is a short guide for aging individuals, caregivers, family members, and supporters to help them think about some of the questions to ask, options to consider, and conversations to have as people with all abilities age. Choices and decisions you and family member make during this time can help to positively shape the future and the life they will live as loved ones get older. Download available at http://www.lifecoursetools.com/learning-materials/

Commission on Disability Concerns
The Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns (KCDC) offers important resources for people with disabilities on its website such as Disability Service Maps, ADA Information, Legislative Information and local (city, county, and state) ADA coordinators across the state.
Valuable information to help you is listed under both Life Resources and Resources section of the website.  Visit https://kcdcinfo.ks.gov/home

Citizenship and Advocacy

Self-Advocate Coalition of Kansas (SACK) promotes the empowerment and independence of individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. For more information, visit http://www.sackonline.org or their Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/Self-Advocate-Coalition-of-Kansas-120337995992/.

Kansas Leadership Center (KLC) fosters leadership for stronger, healthier and more prosperous Kansas communities. The center prepares people of all abilities to address the challenges they face through leadership to create healthier Kansas communities. KLC’s heart, purpose and the primary focus are on Kansans and you are invited to join other Kansans to redefine leadership. For more information, visit http://kansasleadershipcenter.org/

Disability Rights Center of Kansas (DRC)
The Disability Rights Center advocates for the civil and legal rights of Kansans with disabilities and is a part of the national network of federally mandated protection and advocacy agencies serving the disability community. DRC advocates for the rights of Kansans with disabilities under state or federal laws (ADA, the Rehabilitation Act, Federal Medicaid Act, Kansas Act Against Discrimination) and more. For more information, visit http://www.drckansas.org/

Kansas Youth Empowerment Academy (KYEA)
The academy educates and mentors youth with disabilities to become contributing members of their community. The academy offers a number of programs in personal and leadership development. In addition, the Kansas Youth Leadership Forum (KSYLF) offers week-long leadership programs for high school juniors and seniors with disabilities on a college campus that develops new leadership skills and provides information and resources to empower them to speak out, advocate more and reach their personal goals. Applications are due in December, visit http://www.kyea.org for more information.

Partners in Policymaking Online Courses
The goal of Partners in Policymaking is to educate participants to be active partners with those who make policy. They will become partners in policymaking. The idea is to develop partnerships that are based on positive relationships. In today’s political climate of radical change, Partners graduates must work harder than ever to prevent the loss of basic rights for people with disabilities. Partners graduates can change the future by influencing public policy today. Partners is now available online as an e-learning site, which gives Partners participants the opportunity to supplement their learning; Partners graduates to refresh their skills and stay current on best practices; and others to increase their knowledge and understanding of best practices in the disability field, and learn how to communicate effectively with their elected officials. Log on at https://partnersonlinecourses.com/

Helpful Acronyms

Helpful Acronyms used in the Intellectual Developmental Disability (I/DD) Service System

ADRC: Aging and Disability Resource Center.

AFP: Alternative Funding Plan. A plan outlining an individual’s I/DD services & costs for those services. Available funding: SGF (funding not currently available), discretionary, or private pay.

ANE: Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation.

APS: Adult Protective Services. Effective 7/1/12 is now a division of Kansas Department of Children and Families (DCF).

BASIS: Basic Assessment and Services Information System. It is the statewide reporting system for I/DD-­‐eligible individuals waiting for and/or receiving services/supports and statewide functional assessment that determines eligibility for the HCBS/IDD program services. This assessment is also known as the Developmental Disabilities Profile (DDP). The statewide reporting system is now called KAMIS.

BLDC: Big Lakes Developmental Center, Inc. The state designated CDDO for Riley, Geary, Clay, and Pottawatomie counties. BLDC is also a CSP.

BMP: Behavior Management Plan.

BSP: Behavior Support Plan

CC: Care Coordinator

CCM: Council of Community Members. Responsible for development & implementation of dispute resolution procedures & oversees services offered within the area.

CDDO: Community Developmental Disability Organization. 27 CDDOs in Kansas. Single point of application, determination, & referral for I/DD services.

CDDO service area: HTTP://www.kcdcinfo.ks.gov/resources/service-­‐maps and scroll down to Community Developmental Disability Organizations (CDDOs) and click on that link.

CFI: Call For Investment.

CIC: Child in Custody. A child who has been taken into state custody by Kansas Department of Aging and Disability Services (KDADS)

CINC: Child In Need of Care. A child who has been taken into state custody by KDADS.

CM: Case Manager

CMS: Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

CPS: Child Protective Services. Effective 7/1/12 is now a division of Kansas Department for Children and Family Services (CFS).

CSP: Community Service Provider. Provides services in the community to individuals with I/DD.

CSP: Community Services & Programs. Previously referred to as CSS. A division in KDADS with Home and Community Based Services and Behavioral Health Programs.

CSS: Community Supports & Services. Previously a division of SRS; now a division of KDADS effective 7/1/12. Renamed Community Services & Programs (CSP).

DBHS: Disability & Behavioral Health Services. A division of KDADS. Formerly known as Health Care Policy (HCP).

DCF: Department for Children and Families (formerly SRS).

DD: Developmental Disability. A range of conditions other than intellectual disability which qualify for I/DD funded supports.

DDRA: Developmental Disability Reform Act. K.S.A. 39-­‐1801-­‐K.S.A. 39-­‐1811 and K.A.R. Article 63 and 64.

DDP: Developmental Disability Profile. The assessment portion of BASIS.

DRC: Disability Rights Center. www.drckansas.org

DFS: Direct Financial Support. Quarterly cash support available through the CDDO to assist with costs associated with caring for an I/DD individual. Subject to available state funding. Currently no funding for this support.

DDP: Developmental Disabilities Profile. Assessment instrument designed to provide information concerning an individual’s functional disabilities.

DSM V: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (Text Revision). A diagnostic reference manual used by mental health professionals in the United States.

EDI: Eligibility Determination Instrument.  A tool used during eligibility process to determine areas of functional limitations.

ELP: Essential Lifestyle Plan. A type of the person-centered plan, required for anyone that receives IDD services.

FMS: Financial Management Services. An agency that oversees the administration of Personal Assistant Services.

F&F: Friends and Family Advisory Council; the council is comprised of self-­‐advocates, friends and family members representing I/DD individuals utilizing KanCare, from across Kansas as a grassroots advisory voice to the Secretary of KDADS.

FY: Fiscal year. July 1 through June 30 of a given year. Will usually have the year listed. For example: FY04.

FYE: Fiscal Year Ending. Occurs at the end of June. Will usually have the year listed. For example: FYE04 would mean Fiscal Year Ending June 2004.

HCBS: Home and Community-­‐Based Services. Waiver for I/DD services. This is a Medicaid-­‐based funding stream.

HH: Health Home; designed to facilitate and coordinate physical, behavioral and long-­‐term community-based services and supports.

HH---CC: Health Home chronic conditions; e.g. asthma and diabetes.

HH---SMI: Health Home serious mental illness.

HH: Home Health; Physician ordered, individualized medical/ personal care in a person’s own home. Time-­‐limited.

HH: Host Home. A form of residential service in which an adult lives in a non-­‐relative family home. Sometimes called: shared living, adult foster care, extended family teaching.

HIPAA: means the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

ICF/DD: Facility providing continuous active treatment for I/DD individuals. Is less restrictive than an SMRH. Now called ICF/IDD.

I/DD: Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, the preferred term.

IEP: Individual Education Plan. A plan of goals and action steps developed for achieving special education goals. Used by public education systems.

IQ: Intelligence quotient. The score derived after administering a standardized intelligence test. An IQ of 70 or below is one of the indicators used to diagnose Intellectual Disability.

ISP: Integrated Service Plan. The plan from MCO’s that describes all the services the individual needs.

K.A.R.: Kansas Administrative Regulations.

KAMIS: Kansas Assessment Management Information Systems. Replaces the BASIS reporting system.

KANCARE: The KanCare program is the State of Kansas’ plan to transition Kansas Medicaid into an integrated care model. Kansas has contracted with three new health plans, or managed care organizations (MCOs), to begin coordinating health care for nearly all Medicaid beneficiaries. The KanCare program is scheduled to begin in January 2013. The KanCare health plans are Amerigroup of Kansas, Inc. (Amerigroup), Sunflower State Health Plan (Sunflower), and United Healthcare of the Midwest (United).

KANCARE OMBUDSMAN: The Ombudsman helps Kansas consumers in the HCBS waiver programs or people who get other long-­‐ term care services through KanCare. The Ombudsman helps KanCare consumers with problems in getting services. The Ombudsman will give information about the KanCare grievance and appeal process.

KCDD: Kansas Council on Developmental Disabilities. (DD Council)

KDADS: Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services. Services provided by the State. Oversees management of all state waivers. Effective 7/01/12, the Kansas Department of Aging (KDOA), Social & Rehabilitation Services (SRS), and the Kansas Department of Health & Environment (KDHE) merged to form KDADS.

KDHE: Kansas Department of Health and Environment. See KDADS definition.

KLO II: Kansas Lifestyle Outcome. A quality assurance tool used by KDADS to evaluate IDD services.

KRS: Kansas Rehabilitation Services.

K.S.A.: Kansas Statues Annotated. A Kansas law.

MCO: Managed Care Organization. The three organizations that are contracted to deliver Medicaid. They are; Amerigroup, Sunflower, and United.

MH: Mental Health. Service not provided by I/DD Waiver.

MR: Mental Retardation. A term no longer used. See I/DD.

MR/DD: Mental Retardation/Developmental Disability. Term no longer used. See I/DD.

NCI: National Core Indicators.

NOA: Notice of Action.

NPR: Notice of Proposed Rule Making.

OMBUDSMAN: An ombudsman is usually appointed by the government, but with a significant degree of independence, who is charged with representing the interests of the public by investigating and addressing complaints of maladministration or violation of rights.

PCP: Primary Care Provider/ Physician – the individual’s primary medical provider

PCP: Person-Centered Plan a requirement for anyone receiving IDD services.

PCSP: Person-Centered Support Plan. Plan prepared by a case manager which outlines specific goals of an individual with I/DD and action steps to accomplish those goals. Updated annually.

PAS: Personal Assistant Services (self-­‐directed). The funding that is used when a person self-­‐directs their service. Always used with FMS.

POC: Plan of Care. Term no longer used. See ISP.

PRTF: Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility for children. The child must meet a threshold to be placed in a PRTF and it is not for long-term care.

Psych Eval: Psychological Evaluation. Includes testing of the level of cognitive functioning. Determines the potential to understand and apply new information.

QA: Quality Assurance.  A process for monitoring the quality of services being provided to I/DD individuals.

QAC: Quality Assurance Committee.  Committee designed to ensure quality of service in service area.

QE: Quality Enhancement -­‐ a way to ensure service is performed in a manner so as an I/DD individual’s rights and choices are observed and protected.

QMS: Quality Management Specialist. KDADS employee who oversees the quality of services.

RFI: Request For Information.

RFP: Request For Proposal.

ROI: Request For Information.

SACK: Self Advocate Coalition of Kansas.

SC: Service Coordinator.

SGF: State General Funds. One funding stream for I/DD services and supports. SGF funding is currently not available.

SHC: Supportive Home Care. Agency-­‐directed service. An in-­‐home support which provides direct assistance with daily living needs

for individuals living in the family home.

SIL: Supported Independent Living.

SMI: Serious Mental Illness. Mental Illnesses that qualify for Health Homes.

SPMI: Serious and Persistent Mental Illness. For some intensive Mental Health Services, the adult must have a severe and persistent mental illness.

SPA: State Plan Amendment.

SRS: Social and Rehabilitation Services. Its services were split to form the new Department of Children and Families (DCF) and added to the Department of Aging which became the new Department of Aging and Disabilities Services (KDADS). See KDADS information for IDD service information.

STC: Special Terms and Conditions.

TCM: Targeted Case Management. Assists to identify, select, obtain, coordinate, and use paid services & natural supports to enhance independence, integration, & productivity. TCM is required when self-­‐directing an I/DD paid service. TCM services can be refused if receiving agency-directed services.

VR: Vocational Rehabilitation a/k/a “Voc. Rehab” which is a division of DCF. Helps people with disabilities become gainfully employed and self-­‐sufficient.

Waiver: Amendment to the state Medicaid plan that allows states to provide services to specific populations. The purpose of most waivers is to keep consumers out of long-­‐term institutions.

HCBS Waiver-­‐ Autism: This allows child ages 0-­‐5 diagnosed with autism to receive services to remain living at home and in the community.

HCBS Waiver-­‐ Developmental Disability: Persons aged 5+ who meet the ICF/MR level of care.

HCBS Waiver-­‐ Frail and Elderly: For person 65+ who meet Medicaid Long Term Care threshold.

HCBS Waiver Physical Disability: This waiver is for persons 16+ with a physical disability and/ or those 65+ who need personal assistance to accomplish normal activities.

HCBS Waiver-­‐ Technology Assisted: This waiver allows medically fragile children 18 and younger who are dependent on hospital level of care to remain living and home and in the community.

HCBS Waiver-­‐ Traumatic Brain Injury: TBI Waiver. This waiver allows persons, aged 16-­‐55 who meet the head injury rehabilitation hospital level of care to remain at home or in the community.

HCBS Waiver-­‐ Serious Emotional Disturbance: For those aged 0-­‐18 years that meet the criteria.

WORK Program: Work Opportunities Reward Kansans is a state plan benefit package designed for Working Healthy Participants who need personal services in order to live and work in the community. WORK provides a monthly allocation to purchase personal services, assistive technology, and Independent Living Counseling services.

Working Healthy: A Medicaid Program. Offers people with disabilities that are working or interested in working the opportunity to get or keep Medicaid coverage while on the job. Must meet certain criteria to qualify.

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